Friday, May 6, 2011

Create Your Own Miniature Paintings

A friend of mine told me about this new free software. Imagine the fun you can have creating your own miniature paintings for your dollhouse or room box. Using this software you can convert pictures of individuals, groups and objects into a variety of paintings. Check out the video below for a quick look at what you can do with Fotosketcher. Add a frame, and you have your own special finishing touch!

I've just starting "creating" with Fotosketcher myself and have been having lots of fun. You can visit or to learn more for yourself.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Micro Printing for Miniatures

I just used a hint I'd heard about some time ago and wanted to share.

Using your word processing program set your font to the smallest size typeface. Type your text. Highlight (or select) the text. Hold the Ctrl (PC) Command (Mac) key as you hit the left square bracket [ key five times. This creates the smallest typeset for use in tiny letters, books, greeting cards etc. that can be read with a magnifying glass.

If you want to use colors blue shows up better than red.

Pepita MT makes a nice script, which seems more readable than some of the other script fonts. But experiment to find the one you like best.

After I had typed the text, highlighted the text, and used the left square bracket [ key to make it smaller, I found could use the right square bracket key ] to make it larger and find the size that worked best for my use. The whole document was then set for the size font I chose. I used the zoom option (to 200%) to read and/or type more.